Calories Burned by Running: What You Need to Know

woman in all blue running on a track

Verywell / Ryan Kelly

People frequently embrace running to reach or maintain a healthy weight—and for good reason. Running burns more calories than weight training, swimming, cycling, or even downhill skiing, according to a report from the American Council on Exercise.

However, it can be easy to overestimate your calories burned running. Details about your workout affect caloric expenditure, including your body weight, the surface you run on, and the incline.

Determine Your Calories Burned Running

There are different ways to determine the number of calories you burn during your run. Many runners use the 100 calories/mile rule. While this is the quickest and simplest way to estimate your caloric expenditure, it is not likely to be the most accurate as it does not take important variables into account.

As a very general and simplistic rule, an average-sized runner will burn about 100 calories per mile. So if your goal is to burn 500 calories, you need to run about five miles.

Calorie Calculator

You can use a physical activity calculator to estimate how many calories you burn while running. You need to know your current weight, running pace, and duration of your run to help personalize the estimate for a more accurate number.

Calories Burned Running: Tech Tools

A variety of tech tools can help estimate the number of calories burned running.


Some smartphone apps let you track your calories burned by running. Running apps like Runkeeper and Strava provide calorie data for your workouts. MapMyRun and apps by shoe brands like Nike Run Club, PUMATRAC, and Adidas Running App by Runtastic are also popular.

However, the numbers provided are only estimates. To see results, you also need to ensure the app is in use for the duration of your workout—which means carrying your phone with you on your runs.

We've researched and reviewed the best calorie counter apps. If you're in the market for an app, explore which option may be best for you.


Fitness trackers made by brands such as Fitbit, Polar, or Garmin also have features that let you monitor calories. You'll also find devices by brands like Withings, Apex, and others. If you own an Apple watch, you can also track your calories burned on a run using that device.

The settings on most of these devices can be toggled to let you watch your caloric expenditure increase as you run.

Real-time updates on a smartwatch or app might motivate you to run farther if you have a calorie goal.


Treadmill calorie calculators generally provide a calorie number at the end of (or during) your workout. The numbers are only estimates and are not likely to be accurate unless you enter your weight and other relevant data before you begin your workout. Treadmills also tend to overestimate the number of calories burned running.

Some treadmills have technology that can help get a better estimate of your heart rate. This may provide a better estimate of caloric expenditure if the device uses heart rate to determine caloric expenditure. For instance, you may find some treadmills with sensors on handrails that you can hold. Some have devices that attach to your finger and others can display your heart rate from a chest strap.

Factors That Affect Caloric Expenditure

The amount of calories burned running depends on numerous factors.

Body Weight

If your body weight is higher, you burn more calories. A 140-pound person running at a 10-minute mile (roughly six miles per hour) will burn 318 calories in 30 minutes. Running at the same pace for the same amount of time, a 180-pound person will burn roughly 408 calories.

The reason for the increased expenditure is simple: Your body has to work harder and burn more fuel to carry more weight.


This is a tricky factor to account for when it comes to calories burned running. Many researchers have studied the effects of gender on caloric expenditure with different findings and opinions. It's generally assumed that men burn more calories than women when participating in similar activities.

However, it's not clear whether specific gender differences or body composition cause the disparity (as men generally carry more muscle mass than women). A 2018 study found that when both men and women participated in a workout that involved walking with a backpack, women burned fewer calories than men.


A 160-pound person running at a 12-minute pace (five miles per hour) for 30 minutes would burn about 290 calories. If that person ran at a 10-minute-per-mile pace (six miles per hour), they would burn 363 calories in the same span of time.

Speed increases caloric expenditure because faster speed is generally the result of more effort (which requires you to burn additional fuel—or calories).

While speed helps compare calories burned for one person, it can be misleading when comparing calories burned between runners. For example, a highly trained runner will burn fewer calories running an 8-minute mile than someone who has never run.


Adding hills will likely increase the number of calories burned running since your effort generally increases when going uphill. That said, figuring out how many calories you're burning on an incline can be tricky.

If you use a treadmill that calculates energy expenditure, the calorie count provided will take incline into account. Note the difference in running at a zero percent grade versus a steep incline (10% to 12%). You can use this to guide the percent increase in calories when you run outside.

Some online calculators can determine your calories burned running uphill. They might give you a better number, but you still need to take them with a grain of salt. The calculators require you to input the exact grade of the hill where you train—a number most runners aren't likely to know. 

Lastly, keep in mind that when you run uphill outside you may burn more calories on the way up the hill because you are working harder, but you'll burn fewer calories on the way down because you don't have to work as hard.

Running Surface

Whether you run on a road, a treadmill, a trail, or in the sand, your running surface needs to be factored into your calories burned by running. In general, running on a treadmill burns the fewest calories because there is no wind resistance or road obstacle.

Running in the sand or on a muddy or rocky trail requires slightly more energy. In general, you have to use more of your muscles—and energy—to maintain your balance and stay upright while running on uneven surfaces.

Weather Conditions

Running in very windy conditions is likely to increase your intensity, meaning you'll burn more calories if you maintain your speed. There is also some discussion in the running community about whether or not exercising in extreme cold or extreme heat burns more calories.

Hot or Cold?

There is evidence that exercising in extreme cold burns more calories, which might be caused by shivering or the activation of brown fat.

However, there is also evidence that exercising in extreme heat burns more calories because your body has to work harder to produce sweat to maintain a healthy core temperature.

The bottom line? Most experts agree that exercising in moderate temperatures is most effective if burning more calories is your goal. Extreme heat or cold temps might exert some effect on your caloric expenditure, but not enough to make a big difference in your overall total.

Calories Burned Running vs. Other Workouts

In general, running is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories. For example, if you are a 140-pound person and you run a 5K (3.1 miles) at a 10-minute/mile pace, you will burn approximately 328 calories in 31 minutes.

Here's how your run compares to other workouts lasting about 31 minutes:

  • Cycling at a moderate pace: 276 calories
  • HIIT workout including intense calisthenics: 254 calories
  • Low-impact aerobics: 172 calories
  • Stair climber: 310 calories
  • Swimming (freestyle, moderate pace): 276 calories
  • Tennis: 241 calories
  • Walking at a brisk pace: 131 calories

A Word From Verywell

While running is an effective strategy to burn calories, remember that calories burned running may change as you become fitter and your body becomes more efficient.

If you reach a weight loss plateau, you need to take your running to the next level by adding speedwork, doing hill workouts, or running long distances to increase your calorie burn.

Adding variety to your workouts will help you reach your calorie targets and reduce boredom and burnout, so running becomes your long-term strategy for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight and a fit, strong body.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many calories should I burn in a day?

    Everyone's calorie number is slightly different and depends on a number of factors including your age, gender, body size, and activity level. You can use a calorie calculator to estimate your daily caloric expenditure.

  • Is running on a treadmill different from running on a road?

    Yes, in many ways it is. There is no wind resistance when you run on a treadmill. You will also not encounter slight variations in pavement and temperatures are likely to be more moderate indoors. Lastly, the movement of the belt on a treadmill helps to propel you forward. But that doesn't mean that treadmill running can't be challenging. There are pros and cons to each.

  • How many calories are burned walking a mile?

    As a very general estimate, the 100-calorie rule also applies to walking. That is, an average sized person burns about 100 calories when walking a mile. But remember that walking a mile takes much longer than running a mile. So the time it takes to burn 100 calories running is much shorter than the time it takes to burn 100 calories walking. The number of calories you burn while walking will depend on factors such as your body size and your walking pace.

7 Sources
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. American Council on Exercise. Calorie burners: Activities that turn up the heat.

  2. Morio B, Beaufrere B, Montaurier C, et al. Gender differences in energy expended during activities and in daily energy expenditure of elderly people. Am J Physiol-Endocrinol Metab. 1997;273(2):E321-E327. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.1997.273.2.E321

  3. Yue ASY, Woo J, Ip KWM, Sum CMW, Kwok T, Hui SSC. Effect of age and gender on energy expenditure in common activities of daily living in a Chinese population. Disability Rehab. 2007;29(2):91-96. doi:10.1080/09638280600662232

  4. Li SSW, Chan OHT, Ng TY, et al. Gender differences in energy expenditure during walking with backpack and double-pack loads. Hum Factors. 2019;61(2):203-213. doi:10.1177/0018720818799190

  5. Chang CH, Lin KC, Ho CS, Huang CC. Accuracy of the energy expenditure during uphill exercise measured by the waist-worn ActiGraph. J Exerc Sci Fit. 2019;17(2):62-66. doi:10.1016/j.jesf.2019.01.003

  6. Layden JD, Patterson MJ, Nimmo MA. Effects of reduced ambient temperature on fat utilization during submaximal exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002;34(5):774-779. doi:10.1097/00005768-200205000-00008

  7. Institute of Medicine Committee on Military Nutrition Research. 3, Physiological responses to exercise in the heat. In: Marriott BM, ed., Nutritional Needs in Hot Environments: Applications for Military Personnel in Field Operations. National Academies Press.

Additional Reading
Christine Luff

By Christine Luff, ACE-CPT
Christine knows that the right fitness gear can improve your motivation and workouts. She uses her expertise and experience as a fitness writer and personal trainer to recommend products she can stand behind.